Lately, many of us talk of being tired of chatting to family, friends and colleagues via a computer or phone screen. Many years have passed since we first heard the word “internet”; today we are able to put together a long list of challenges linked to internet usage, especially among children and adolescents. Nevertheless, access to the internet has also changed and improved the lives of thousands of people, especially of those living in remote areas of low income countries.

This morning, our Kathmandu-based team of clinicians – Sagoon KC (Psychologist), Sailesh Bhandari, (Nurse Educator), and Dr Nishita Pathak (Psychiatrist) – had an online meeting with Health Assistants (HA) based in 5 different health posts on the mountains of eastern Nepal. These long-distance videocalls take place every month. Their purpose is to give HAs an opportunity to discuss how to best treat and manage patients visiting each health post, and to offer support and guidance in their new role as community mental health care providers. It feels good to be connected, to belong and to be part of a movement that advocates for better mental health for everyone, no matter where in the world!