This month, alongside Marjorie Gardner our Director of Education, two Occupational Therapist volunteers Nadia Khan and Khazina Hussain from Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust have been supporting their fellow healthcare workers in Sri Lanka. Both have volunteered to share their knowledge and expertise in childhood developmental disorders and childhood trauma. This week they have visited a Centre for Childhood Developmental Disorders and a Safe House for abused and traumatised children.
Thanks to funding from the Tropical Health Education Trust, they were able to visit these vital centres and to share their skills and expertise with the staff.
Sri Lanka is another country facing shortages of basics such as food, fuel, and medicines. Thousands of people have lost their jobs and parents are not able to feed their children, let alone send them to school. Inflation has skyrocketed, making it impossible for many to afford even staple foods such as rice.
In addition to all of the above challenges, those health services that can respond to these children’s needs are struggling too. Health professionals have seen a massive drop in their wages, and many are leaving the country.
Volunteers like Nadia and Khazina have a huge impact on strengthening the knowledge and expertise in a country like Sri Lanka that often has limited healthcare professionals and resources.
If you would like to volunteer with Jaya Mental Health, please email