We change lives every day by providing desperately needed support to local communities, and by influencing decision makers so that people with mental illness get the help they really need.
The five key
areas of our work

We believe that local health workers are the most important resource we have access to. By training and empowering them, we transform the lives of people affected by mental illness for years to come.
“Jaya Mental Health has helped me to understand mental illness better, to recognise who might need help and how I can support them.”
Bhima, Community Health Volunteer

We are committed to helping those who have no other access to mental healthcare. By traveling to hard-to-reach areas, and building links with marginalised groups, we help some of the world’s most neglected and vulnerable people.

We seek to understand the specific needs of the communities that we work with, so that we support people in a way that’s right for them. This approach makes the most of our time, money and expertise, and leads to lasting impact.

We know that to really change the lives of people affected by mental illness we need to educate and influence key decision makers on a local and national level. By raising awareness of mental health issues and building strong relationships we influence policy decisions and fight the stigma, prejudice and injustice that surrounds mental illness.
“I had almost given up all hope but when Jaya Mental Health started treating my wife, she slowly started to show progress.”
Rajan, husband of service user

By maximising the resources already available in a local area we can do more with less. All of our projects are initiated by local partners – this approach deepens impact instead of duplicating it. It ensures our projects are culturally relevant and makes the most of the knowledge and enthusiasm of local people.
“Before attending Jaya Mental Health’s training there was so much we did not know about mental health.
Now I feel more confident in sharing information in my community, and in letting everyone know that mental illness can be treated”.
Bina Rai, a female community health volunteer who took part in one of our training programmes